Women Pioneering Secure Relationships

1196187577Something has to change, but you don’t know where to start.

Everything you thought you should do, you did.

As a woman, you feel thankful for what you have. You work hard at a job that pays you well. In addition, you have found a loving and kind partner. It’s the best relationship you’ve ever had.

But you feel anxious and burnt out. In the mornings, you wake up feeling trapped, dreading work, and experiencing stressful dynamics you don’t know how to navigate.

And at night, you struggle to fall asleep as your mind races.

Sharing your struggles with friends gives you pause.

Your friends seem fine, and you don’t want to burden them. You can talk to your partner, but secretly, you worry you’re too much for them. You’re afraid that this amazing person who loves and supports you will tire of your insecurity and emotional messiness and leave.

You wish you could talk to your parents, but things are so complicated with them. You’re not sure you can trust that they would understand you or be able to help. As much as you try to be closer to them, you often feel more alone.

Getting outside, going for a hike, and reconnecting with the larger world around you are things that used to help you reconnect with a sense of groundedness. But lately, you don’t feel the same motivation to do these things, and they don’t fill you up like they once did.

You think therapy might provide the support you need to restore your connection with yourself and forge meaningful, healthier relationships with the people you love most.

1109723711First, let’s work on building your relationship with YOU.

Building stronger relationships begins with having a relationship with your own experience.

As a woman who is successful in so many ways, you need to discover ways to overcome the struggles and anxiety that you feel. Therapy can help you find the right relationship, and we will work together to help you get past what keeps you stuck.

The framework of depth-oriented psychotherapy makes it particularly useful to people with a history of childhood trauma, experiencing attachment issues, and having relationship difficulty or diminished self-understanding and self-esteem.

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to determine if the therapy I offer might fit your needs.