Online Therapy

515426818Obligations make in-person therapy challenging.

You already know that therapy contributes to your overall sense of health and well-being and that your weekly hour-long therapy session is time well spent.

For you, it’s non-negotiable, but the hour-long commute feels like an unavoidable cost.

Many essential things in your life demand your time and attention; sometimes, these feel like limited resources.

There are lots of benefits to doing therapy virtually.

Don’t worry about navigating rush hour traffic, struggling to find parking, or enduring awkward encounters in the waiting room. You never need to ask if putting your feet on the couch is okay because it’s yours!

This meaningful therapy work can occur from the comfort of your personal space. Working online provides therapy that meets you where you are.

Whether this season of life finds you traveling regularly to different places, negotiating an inconsistent schedule, or gravitating more to the comfort of your home space, you don’t have to think about getting to the office for your session; this therapy office comes to you!

2261350677Does it work as well as in-person therapy?

I’m among many therapists who’ve been surprised and delighted that virtual therapy has proved productive for the people we work with remotely. The pandemic expanded our sense of what constitutes a meaningful connection with others.

Some therapies work best in an in-person context. Still, I have found that people continue to develop more vital and robust relationships with their inner and outer worlds, even across great distances.

Virtual therapy is easy to navigate. Our site is HIPPA-compliant and secure. You only need a WiFi connection and a device (cellphone, laptop, computer, etc.) for visual and verbal communication. If something happens to the connection, we can use the phone.

Suppose you want to develop a more profound, complex sense of self while maintaining the delicate balance between your resources and responsibilities. In that case, Online Therapy is an excellent option to consider.

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to determine if this might fit you well.