Individual Therapy

793940824Overcoming challenges, past and present, is not easy.

You have depended on others from the very beginning. Whether you were aware of it or not, your priority in childhood was maintaining a solid bond with the people who cared for you.

When your individuality – your wants and needs, emotions, personality, or behavior – seemed to threaten that bond, you quickly adjusted how you moved through the world. This response kept you safe and provided for.

You’ve worked hard to simplify things to make your life and relationships work. But that’s become a problem because, in reality, you’re not simple. You are full of complexity!

How you’ve gotten used to being in the world is too small for you now. This internal struggle finds ways of expressing itself. It can look like anxiety, depression, chronic illness, rage, sexual issues, addiction, and a whole myriad of other ways.

It’s time to turn your attention to yourself.

Making this decision is not easy, not after so much practice avoiding or ignoring your own experience. That’s why the framework of individual therapy can be so helpful.

Just by starting this kind of work, you are communicating to yourself that you are worthy of attention and care. Furthermore, you are also reinforcing that message every week, discovering your wonderfully complex self and developing new ways of relating to yourself and others.

The highly personal experience of individual therapy allows you the time and space to pay attention to the subtle messages coming from your unconscious. You’ll become less confused about who you are and more comfortable saying, “This is me.”

Take this opportunity to learn how to live your life!

You’ve felt the need to simplify yourself because you haven’t been able to relate to the full complexity of your experience.

Depth-oriented psychotherapy works not to “fix” the problems you’re experiencing but to expand your ability to be fully alive to whatever your life brings you.

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to determine if what I offer might be a good fit for you.