Find Your Voice and Yourself

Therapy for Individual Adults Ready to Heal

Available Online in Washington


It feels like you lost everything.

Mornings no longer hold the promise of a new day, only the weight of your unspeakable sadness.

Each day, you wake with the dreadful resignation that this is just how your life is now.

The mail piles up. Work assignments go unfinished. Food doesn’t taste like it did before. Your joy is gone.

The world moves on without you.

For a period, friends and family gave you time, space, and comfort to process your terrible loss.

Yet, the world continued spinning, and everyone else soon returned to their normal lives.

But not you. You’re still stuck in that moment when your whole world ended, and there’s no moving past it.

It feels so hopeless.

The pain is unbearable, the depth of your sorrow bottomless, and healing seems impossible.

You feel so alone and misunderstood, and you wish there were some way to move beyond this grief.

But then a part of you feels guilty for even thinking this way. As though moving beyond the pain would somehow dishonor your loss.

You try your best to get on with life.

You go through the motions. Buying groceries. Paying bills. Going to work.

From the outside, someone might even mistake your life for resembling some version of normal.

But, inside, you’re struggling desperately and don’t know what to do.

Something has to change.

You can go on, suffering silently, terrified of sharing your pain, and falling ever deeper into despair.

You can keep ignoring, deflecting, dismissing, and deferring your pain, pretending it isn’t there and hoping it will go away on its own.

Or you can take a step toward realizing your full potential and discovering what it’s like to live fully again.

It’s not about moving on; it’s about moving through.

It’s possible to find a supportive framework that allows you to lay your burden down and begin to heal.

Therapy can offer a safe environment to show yourself the compassion, love, and empathy you need to move forward.

It’s time to develop a deeper, clearer, and more fulfilling relationship with yourself and others.

Call me now for your free 15-minute consultation, and let’s start today!

Let’s Get Start Today!

Hi, I’m Patrick.

And I’m passionate about providing people with the support they need to navigate the most challenging experiences of their lives.

In my eyes, you’re much more than the symptoms you’re experiencing right now. You are the living expression of a unique and deeply meaningful story.

Let’s work together to discover the parts of you calling out, trying to make themselves known, and then give them a space to come to life.

Deepen the relationship with your inner world and make choices that are more aligned with your true self so you can move forward with resilience and confidence.

More About me

What I Offer

Individual Therapy

Pioneering Secure Relationships

Online Therapy

Grief and Loss

Realize your full potential.

Don’t wait any longer, settling for less than the bright, fulfilling life you deserve.

Get in touch now for your free consultation and take the next step toward a better you.

(971) 251-0638